Feature request: hiding upvalues
Dirk Laurie
2018-11-13 08:16:44 UTC
If at the top of my Lua program, I put:

local math = require"mathx"

then I have burnt my bridges. I can never again access the built-in
'math' as a global variable. I can still get it as '_G.math', but no
matter how deeply do blocks and functions are nested, 'math' will
either be this upvalue or a newer local variable shadowing it.

Not too bad, in the case of 'math': actually Luiz's 'mathx' is in many
ways nicer if your C compiler can compile it.

But what about other names? (Acknowledgment: the following observation
was pointed out on this list some time ago by Egor Skriptunoff.) In
the object-oriented programming idiom of putting _ENV as first
parameter of a function, this persistent property of an upvalue is a
potential source of hard-to-find bugs.
rotate = function (_ENV,c,s) return {x=c*x-s*y,y=s*x+c*y} end
z = rotate({x=0.8,y=0.6},0.8,0.6); print(z.x,z.y)
0.28 0.96
local x=1; rotate = function (_ENV,c,s) return {x=c*x-s*y,y=s*x+c*y} end
z = rotate({x=0.8,y=0.6},0.8,0.6); print(z.x,z.y)
0.44 1.08

The bug is obvious, here in the interpreter. You can see the offending
upvalue x.

But in a program, if 200 lines earlier, in an innocent-looking bit of
code that should have been enclosed in do ... end, we had

local x = 1
for _,v in ipairs(t) do x = x*v end
print("The product is: ",x)

that x would still have remained visible, and the same bug would be
present. Not so easy to find anymore.

There is a workaround. There always is. Wrap the body in 'load()'.
local x=1; rotate = load"local _ENV,c,s = ...; return {x=c*x-s*y,y=s*x+c*y}"
z = rotate({x=0.8,y=0.6},0.8,0.6); print(z.x,z.y)
0.28 0.96

It's not even many more keystrokes. But it does not do the same thing.
You'll need extra code to check that 'load' succeeded; runtime error
messages from inside are harder to understand.

I'm not too sure how one could implement hiding of upvalues at the
language level. (At the implementation level, it's obvious. Just skip
the phase that looks for them.) Maybe a keyword that makes upvalues
invisible to the end of the current local scope.

rotate = function (_ENV,c,s) blind
return {x=c*x-s*y,y=s*x+c*y}
Philippe Verdy
2018-11-13 11:48:16 UTC
a combination of fsetenv() and __index in metatable could do the trick
(__index is a method that is used to look for variables not found as keys
in a Lua table, and the environment of a function is a standard Lua table)
Post by Dirk Laurie
local math = require"mathx"
then I have burnt my bridges. I can never again access the built-in
'math' as a global variable. I can still get it as '_G.math', but no
matter how deeply do blocks and functions are nested, 'math' will
either be this upvalue or a newer local variable shadowing it.
Not too bad, in the case of 'math': actually Luiz's 'mathx' is in many
ways nicer if your C compiler can compile it.
But what about other names? (Acknowledgment: the following observation
was pointed out on this list some time ago by Egor Skriptunoff.) In
the object-oriented programming idiom of putting _ENV as first
parameter of a function, this persistent property of an upvalue is a
potential source of hard-to-find bugs.
rotate = function (_ENV,c,s) return {x=c*x-s*y,y=s*x+c*y} end
z = rotate({x=0.8,y=0.6},0.8,0.6); print(z.x,z.y)
0.28 0.96
local x=1; rotate = function (_ENV,c,s) return {x=c*x-s*y,y=s*x+c*y} end
z = rotate({x=0.8,y=0.6},0.8,0.6); print(z.x,z.y)
0.44 1.08
The bug is obvious, here in the interpreter. You can see the offending
upvalue x.
But in a program, if 200 lines earlier, in an innocent-looking bit of
code that should have been enclosed in do ... end, we had
local x = 1
for _,v in ipairs(t) do x = x*v end
print("The product is: ",x)
that x would still have remained visible, and the same bug would be
present. Not so easy to find anymore.
There is a workaround. There always is. Wrap the body in 'load()'.
local x=1; rotate = load"local _ENV,c,s = ...; return
z = rotate({x=0.8,y=0.6},0.8,0.6); print(z.x,z.y)
0.28 0.96
It's not even many more keystrokes. But it does not do the same thing.
You'll need extra code to check that 'load' succeeded; runtime error
messages from inside are harder to understand.
I'm not too sure how one could implement hiding of upvalues at the
language level. (At the implementation level, it's obvious. Just skip
the phase that looks for them.) Maybe a keyword that makes upvalues
invisible to the end of the current local scope.
rotate = function (_ENV,c,s) blind
return {x=c*x-s*y,y=s*x+c*y}
Philippe Verdy
2018-11-13 12:03:47 UTC
Post by Dirk Laurie
I'm not too sure how one could implement hiding of upvalues at the
language level. (At the implementation level, it's obvious. Just skip
the phase that looks for them.)
This is not so obvious because Lua highly depends on this; the "phrase"
that looks for it is exactly the one that lookups variables in the
environment using its "__index" meta-entry, which is where the environment
is already stated: so the first level of lookup would be required
(otherwise the function itself not would have itself access its own local
variables) but you want to avoid the recursion of the lookup to the next
level to look for upvalues.
Note that this recursion is a trailing recursion (so Lua optimizes it
natively as a loop: the "phrase" you want to hide would be a statement
within that loop, and you want it to be used only on a specific loop number
to break that loop by returning early a "nil" value so that an "undefined
variable error" can be stated). The difficulty is that there's no loop
number which is accessible. So all I see you can do is to set the "__index"
meta entry specifically to your need.
Dirk Laurie
2018-11-13 13:23:15 UTC
Post by Dirk Laurie
I'm not too sure how one could implement hiding of upvalues at the
language level. (At the implementation level, it's obvious. Just skip
the phase that looks for them.)
This is not so obvious because Lua highly depends on this; the "phrase" that looks for it is exactly the one that lookups variables in the environment using its "__index" meta-entry, which is where the environment is already stated: so the first level of lookup would be required (otherwise the function itself not would have itself access its own local variables) but you want to avoid the recursion of the lookup to the next level to look for upvalues.
Note that this recursion is a trailing recursion (so Lua optimizes it natively as a loop: the "phrase" you want to hide would be a statement within that loop, and you want it to be used only on a specific loop number to break that loop by returning early a "nil" value so that an "undefined variable error" can be stated). The difficulty is that there's no loop number which is accessible. So all I see you can do is to set the "__index" meta entry specifically to your need.
I think we are talking at cross-purposes.

Whether a name is recognized as an upvalue happens at compile time. No
metatable is involved. It's a question of what is in scope.

Do 'luac -l' for my two examples. The one without "x=1" generates the
instruction GETTABLE 4 0 -1 ; "x"
but the one with "x=1" generates GETUPVAL 4 0 ; x

The scope of a name is lexical. That means there is a sequence of
local scopes with the entire chunk outermost, each containing a
smaller scope until we get to the innermost scope. The compiler does
this when one refers to 'x':

1. Is there a local variable named 'x' in the innermost scope? If so,
it does not need to be loaded: the VM instruction can access it
2. For each containing containing scope working outwards, the question
is asked again. If a local variable named 'x' is found in that scope,
a GETUPVAL instruction is generated to load the variable via the
upvalue list that sits in the function's closure.
3. If no containing scope has 'x', a GETTABLE instruction is issued to
load the value as a table access from _ENV.

The requested "blind" keyword would merely tell the compiler to treat
the current innermost scope, from that point onwards, as not having a
containing scope, so that step 2 is an empty loop.

Youmay have been thinking of what happens in case 3: the GETTABLE from
_ENV could trigger a whole chin of __index metamethods, depending on
what you have done with _ENV (in fact, since this idiom is used in an
object-oriented paradigm, your _ENV is an object which may well have a
complicated metatable).
Philippe Verdy
2018-11-13 21:24:58 UTC
I don't think so; within the same block of statements, all variables are
automatically bound to the same environment (i.e. a table), and the
compiler does not need to know if it's local or external: all of them are
local and accessed by the "__index" meta entry of the environment table,
which is always used as first level of indirection before performing an
actual lookup to the environment table itself (not its metatable).
Unlike tables in Lua, all environments must have a metatable associated to
their table, so there's always an "__index" entry in it (it also has a
"__newindex" for assignments). A compiler may want to perform some
optimizations for not creating a metatable with "__index" and "__newindex",
but it cannot safely know if these two entries are set or not (they may be
set by the block of instruction by using the fsetenv function, possibly by
calling external functions which will execute with the parent element in
their on environment linked to the parent environment, and so can also
modify the parent environment).
So all names are local. The fact that when assigning a variable or reading
it has an external effect comes only from the fact that the default
"__index" function will lookup in parent environments in a chain to see if
there's a matching name: if no such name is found in the chain, then the
effect of reading the variable will return "nil"; the same occurs for
"__newindex" which also tries to lookup the local table, then if not found
performs a lookup in the parent environment, and if not found it will then
create a new variable in the initial environment.
All you want is to stop the recursive lookup of variable names in the chain
of environment, so that all variables behave as pure local variables
(creating as many new variables as needed).
It's not really possible to block the recursion: your code even needs the
chain for all basic operations (including operators like "+"). If you break
the lookup, then your local code can simply do nothing at all!
Remember that the environment does not include only local variables, it
also includes all functions and operators your code can use.
So your proppsed "blind" keyword in:
function (_ENV,c,s) blind
return {x=c*x-s*y,y=s*x+c*y}
would have the effect of leaving only three names accessibles: _ENV, c and
s, but operations like "=" (assignment made via "__newindex" function
call), "*", "-", and "+" would also have no defined function (their lookup
would return nil, and you'd then get errors: cannot call a function
referenced by nil !

The only way to do that is to allow passing selected properties you need
for your function to run, by creating a restrictive environment, in which
the function:
function (c,s)
return {x=c*x-s*y,y=s*x+c*y}
now can run in perfect isolation: it is effectively the case that variable
names "x" and "y" are not defined locally, but you have to force them to
use the local environment and not any parent environment, but you sill need
the function references for the 3 arithmetic operators. Note that for
function calls (including operator evaluations) there's also a "__call"
entry in the environment to find matching function names: functions are not
called directly.

An interesting reading:

or more generally

and the manual of course (which details all "__" prefixed functions needed
in valid environment and that allow your code to be really executable) :

Post by Philippe Verdy
Post by Philippe Verdy
Post by Dirk Laurie
I'm not too sure how one could implement hiding of upvalues at the
language level. (At the implementation level, it's obvious. Just skip
the phase that looks for them.)
This is not so obvious because Lua highly depends on this; the "phrase"
that looks for it is exactly the one that lookups variables in the
environment using its "__index" meta-entry, which is where the environment
is already stated: so the first level of lookup would be required
(otherwise the function itself not would have itself access its own local
variables) but you want to avoid the recursion of the lookup to the next
level to look for upvalues.
Post by Philippe Verdy
Note that this recursion is a trailing recursion (so Lua optimizes it
natively as a loop: the "phrase" you want to hide would be a statement
within that loop, and you want it to be used only on a specific loop number
to break that loop by returning early a "nil" value so that an "undefined
variable error" can be stated). The difficulty is that there's no loop
number which is accessible. So all I see you can do is to set the "__index"
meta entry specifically to your need.
I think we are talking at cross-purposes.
Whether a name is recognized as an upvalue happens at compile time. No
metatable is involved. It's a question of what is in scope.
Do 'luac -l' for my two examples. The one without "x=1" generates the
instruction GETTABLE 4 0 -1 ; "x"
but the one with "x=1" generates GETUPVAL 4 0 ; x
The scope of a name is lexical. That means there is a sequence of
local scopes with the entire chunk outermost, each containing a
smaller scope until we get to the innermost scope. The compiler does
1. Is there a local variable named 'x' in the innermost scope? If so,
it does not need to be loaded: the VM instruction can access it
2. For each containing containing scope working outwards, the question
is asked again. If a local variable named 'x' is found in that scope,
a GETUPVAL instruction is generated to load the variable via the
upvalue list that sits in the function's closure.
3. If no containing scope has 'x', a GETTABLE instruction is issued to
load the value as a table access from _ENV.
The requested "blind" keyword would merely tell the compiler to treat
the current innermost scope, from that point onwards, as not having a
containing scope, so that step 2 is an empty loop.
Youmay have been thinking of what happens in case 3: the GETTABLE from
_ENV could trigger a whole chin of __index metamethods, depending on
what you have done with _ENV (in fact, since this idiom is used in an
object-oriented paradigm, your _ENV is an object which may well have a
complicated metatable).
Philippe Verdy
2018-11-13 21:50:15 UTC
Also note that if Lua was defined so that all variables are local by
default, your function would need to be written something like:

function (c,s)
using __mul, __add, __sub
return {x=c*x-s*y,y=s*x+c*y}

i.e. you would need to explicitly import locally the external operators you
need inside the code. You don't need to specify the variables c and s that
are already explicitly imported locally in the environment (and bound with
a value from the caller's environment).

Writing Lua code would be a severe nightmare: we would have to explicit
imports (with a "using" declaration, behaving like "local" except that it
initialized the local variable from the outer environment, using its
"__index" method if needed) in every function we write, except if the
function does nothing or just returns one of the variables in parameters or
created with "local" (that function could not even perform any test on the
value of parameters without the "__eq" or "__lt" or "__le" being explicitly
imported by a "using" clause, and would not even be able to make a
functional call to a function object given in parameter without importing
the "__call" method with a "using" clause).

Lua is not C or C++: everything is an object, including functions
themselves or constants (like integers and strings). Unlike Javascript, Lua
also makes all operators as true objects (bound to functions).

The only thing that you have in Lua to control and force the locality of
named variables (and implicit variables for operators, which are a syntaxic
sugar to perform function calls) is the "local" keyword. Everything else
allows "inheritance" using the chain of environments.
Post by Philippe Verdy
I don't think so; within the same block of statements, all variables are
automatically bound to the same environment (i.e. a table), and the
compiler does not need to know if it's local or external: all of them are
local and accessed by the "__index" meta entry of the environment table,
which is always used as first level of indirection before performing an
actual lookup to the environment table itself (not its metatable).
Unlike tables in Lua, all environments must have a metatable associated to
their table, so there's always an "__index" entry in it (it also has a
"__newindex" for assignments). A compiler may want to perform some
optimizations for not creating a metatable with "__index" and "__newindex",
but it cannot safely know if these two entries are set or not (they may be
set by the block of instruction by using the fsetenv function, possibly by
calling external functions which will execute with the parent element in
their on environment linked to the parent environment, and so can also
modify the parent environment).
So all names are local. The fact that when assigning a variable or reading
it has an external effect comes only from the fact that the default
"__index" function will lookup in parent environments in a chain to see if
there's a matching name: if no such name is found in the chain, then the
effect of reading the variable will return "nil"; the same occurs for
"__newindex" which also tries to lookup the local table, then if not found
performs a lookup in the parent environment, and if not found it will then
create a new variable in the initial environment.
All you want is to stop the recursive lookup of variable names in the
chain of environment, so that all variables behave as pure local variables
(creating as many new variables as needed).
It's not really possible to block the recursion: your code even needs the
chain for all basic operations (including operators like "+"). If you break
the lookup, then your local code can simply do nothing at all!
Remember that the environment does not include only local variables, it
also includes all functions and operators your code can use.
function (_ENV,c,s) blind
return {x=c*x-s*y,y=s*x+c*y}
would have the effect of leaving only three names accessibles: _ENV, c and
s, but operations like "=" (assignment made via "__newindex" function
call), "*", "-", and "+" would also have no defined function (their lookup
would return nil, and you'd then get errors: cannot call a function
referenced by nil !
The only way to do that is to allow passing selected properties you need
for your function to run, by creating a restrictive environment, in which
function (c,s)
return {x=c*x-s*y,y=s*x+c*y}
now can run in perfect isolation: it is effectively the case that variable
names "x" and "y" are not defined locally, but you have to force them to
use the local environment and not any parent environment, but you sill need
the function references for the 3 arithmetic operators. Note that for
function calls (including operator evaluations) there's also a "__call"
entry in the environment to find matching function names: functions are not
called directly.
or more generally
and the manual of course (which details all "__" prefixed functions needed
Post by Philippe Verdy
Post by Philippe Verdy
Post by Dirk Laurie
I'm not too sure how one could implement hiding of upvalues at the
language level. (At the implementation level, it's obvious. Just skip
the phase that looks for them.)
This is not so obvious because Lua highly depends on this; the "phrase"
that looks for it is exactly the one that lookups variables in the
environment using its "__index" meta-entry, which is where the environment
is already stated: so the first level of lookup would be required
(otherwise the function itself not would have itself access its own local
variables) but you want to avoid the recursion of the lookup to the next
level to look for upvalues.
Post by Philippe Verdy
Note that this recursion is a trailing recursion (so Lua optimizes it
natively as a loop: the "phrase" you want to hide would be a statement
within that loop, and you want it to be used only on a specific loop number
to break that loop by returning early a "nil" value so that an "undefined
variable error" can be stated). The difficulty is that there's no loop
number which is accessible. So all I see you can do is to set the "__index"
meta entry specifically to your need.
I think we are talking at cross-purposes.
Whether a name is recognized as an upvalue happens at compile time. No
metatable is involved. It's a question of what is in scope.
Do 'luac -l' for my two examples. The one without "x=1" generates the
instruction GETTABLE 4 0 -1 ; "x"
but the one with "x=1" generates GETUPVAL 4 0 ; x
The scope of a name is lexical. That means there is a sequence of
local scopes with the entire chunk outermost, each containing a
smaller scope until we get to the innermost scope. The compiler does
1. Is there a local variable named 'x' in the innermost scope? If so,
it does not need to be loaded: the VM instruction can access it
2. For each containing containing scope working outwards, the question
is asked again. If a local variable named 'x' is found in that scope,
a GETUPVAL instruction is generated to load the variable via the
upvalue list that sits in the function's closure.
3. If no containing scope has 'x', a GETTABLE instruction is issued to
load the value as a table access from _ENV.
The requested "blind" keyword would merely tell the compiler to treat
the current innermost scope, from that point onwards, as not having a
containing scope, so that step 2 is an empty loop.
Youmay have been thinking of what happens in case 3: the GETTABLE from
_ENV could trigger a whole chin of __index metamethods, depending on
what you have done with _ENV (in fact, since this idiom is used in an
object-oriented paradigm, your _ENV is an object which may well have a
complicated metatable).
Gabriel Bertilson
2018-11-15 23:22:01 UTC
It's not true that there is a chain of environment tables and that
local variables are looked up in a table by name (if I'm reading you
right), at least not in Lua 5.3. (I think this is also true of Lua
5.1, though some of the opcodes are different.)

Global and local variables are implemented differently. Global
variables are treated as fields in the _ENV table, while local
variables are assigned to registers by the compiler. So setting and
getting a global variable uses different opcodes than setting and
getting a local variable:

$ luac -l -l -
x = 10

main <stdin:0,0> (5 instructions at 0x55c499b0bde0)
0+ params, 2 slots, 1 upvalue, 0 locals, 3 constants, 0 functions
1 [1] SETTABUP 0 -1 -2 ; _ENV "x" 10
2 [2] GETTABUP 0 0 -3 ; _ENV "print"
3 [2] GETTABUP 1 0 -1 ; _ENV "x"
4 [2] CALL 0 2 1
5 [2] RETURN 0 1
constants (3) for 0x55c499b0bde0:
1 "x"
2 10
3 "print"
locals (0) for 0x55c499b0bde0:
upvalues (1) for 0x55c499b0bde0:
0 _ENV 1 0
$ luac -l -l -
local x = 10

main <stdin:0,0> (5 instructions at 0x55a6a4b9bde0)
0+ params, 3 slots, 1 upvalue, 1 local, 2 constants, 0 functions
1 [1] LOADK 0 -1 ; 10
2 [2] GETTABUP 1 0 -2 ; _ENV "print"
3 [2] MOVE 2 0
4 [2] CALL 1 2 1
5 [2] RETURN 0 1
constants (2) for 0x55a6a4b9bde0:
1 10
2 "print"
locals (1) for 0x55a6a4b9bde0:
0 x 2 6
upvalues (1) for 0x55a6a4b9bde0:
0 _ENV 1 0

Here the global variable x is set with SETTABUP and gotten with
GETTABUP, using the constant "x", but the local variable x is set with
LOADK and gotten with MOVE, using the register index 0. The name of a
local variable isn't used by the bytecode instructions, though it is
stored elsewhere in the bytecode (so error messages can mention local
variables by name).

And upvalues have a different implementation from both locals and
globals; they are set with SETTABUP and gotten with GETTABUP.

So hash tables are not involved in the implementation of local
variables or upvalues at all.

There is also no chain of environment tables by default in Lua 5.3.
The metatable _ENV is nil if it hasn't been modified.

$ lua -e 'print(getmetatable(_ENV))'

But I guess you can make a chain of environment tables by doing `local
_ENV = setmetatable({}, { __index = _ENV })`.

Because locals, globals, and upvalues are implemented differently, the
compiler must determine whether a variable is local, global or an
upvalue when a chunk is compiled and the nature of a variable in a
chunk cannot be changed after that point. So the function expression
`function () return x end` either returns an upvalue or a global, and
the assignment `x = 10` is resolved to an assignment to a local, an
upvalue, or a global depending on context.

— Gabriel
I don't think so; within the same block of statements, all variables are automatically bound to the same environment (i.e. a table), and the compiler does not need to know if it's local or external: all of them are local and accessed by the "__index" meta entry of the environment table, which is always used as first level of indirection before performing an actual lookup to the environment table itself (not its metatable).
Unlike tables in Lua, all environments must have a metatable associated to their table, so there's always an "__index" entry in it (it also has a "__newindex" for assignments). A compiler may want to perform some optimizations for not creating a metatable with "__index" and "__newindex", but it cannot safely know if these two entries are set or not (they may be set by the block of instruction by using the fsetenv function, possibly by calling external functions which will execute with the parent element in their on environment linked to the parent environment, and so can also modify the parent environment).
So all names are local. The fact that when assigning a variable or reading it has an external effect comes only from the fact that the default "__index" function will lookup in parent environments in a chain to see if there's a matching name: if no such name is found in the chain, then the effect of reading the variable will return "nil"; the same occurs for "__newindex" which also tries to lookup the local table, then if not found performs a lookup in the parent environment, and if not found it will then create a new variable in the initial environment.
All you want is to stop the recursive lookup of variable names in the chain of environment, so that all variables behave as pure local variables (creating as many new variables as needed).
It's not really possible to block the recursion: your code even needs the chain for all basic operations (including operators like "+"). If you break the lookup, then your local code can simply do nothing at all!
Remember that the environment does not include only local variables, it also includes all functions and operators your code can use.
function (_ENV,c,s) blind
return {x=c*x-s*y,y=s*x+c*y}
would have the effect of leaving only three names accessibles: _ENV, c and s, but operations like "=" (assignment made via "__newindex" function call), "*", "-", and "+" would also have no defined function (their lookup would return nil, and you'd then get errors: cannot call a function referenced by nil !
function (c,s)
return {x=c*x-s*y,y=s*x+c*y}
now can run in perfect isolation: it is effectively the case that variable names "x" and "y" are not defined locally, but you have to force them to use the local environment and not any parent environment, but you sill need the function references for the 3 arithmetic operators. Note that for function calls (including operator evaluations) there's also a "__call" entry in the environment to find matching function names: functions are not called directly.
or more generally
Post by Dirk Laurie
Post by Dirk Laurie
I'm not too sure how one could implement hiding of upvalues at the
language level. (At the implementation level, it's obvious. Just skip
the phase that looks for them.)
This is not so obvious because Lua highly depends on this; the "phrase" that looks for it is exactly the one that lookups variables in the environment using its "__index" meta-entry, which is where the environment is already stated: so the first level of lookup would be required (otherwise the function itself not would have itself access its own local variables) but you want to avoid the recursion of the lookup to the next level to look for upvalues.
Note that this recursion is a trailing recursion (so Lua optimizes it natively as a loop: the "phrase" you want to hide would be a statement within that loop, and you want it to be used only on a specific loop number to break that loop by returning early a "nil" value so that an "undefined variable error" can be stated). The difficulty is that there's no loop number which is accessible. So all I see you can do is to set the "__index" meta entry specifically to your need.
I think we are talking at cross-purposes.
Whether a name is recognized as an upvalue happens at compile time. No
metatable is involved. It's a question of what is in scope.
Do 'luac -l' for my two examples. The one without "x=1" generates the
instruction GETTABLE 4 0 -1 ; "x"
but the one with "x=1" generates GETUPVAL 4 0 ; x
The scope of a name is lexical. That means there is a sequence of
local scopes with the entire chunk outermost, each containing a
smaller scope until we get to the innermost scope. The compiler does
1. Is there a local variable named 'x' in the innermost scope? If so,
it does not need to be loaded: the VM instruction can access it
2. For each containing containing scope working outwards, the question
is asked again. If a local variable named 'x' is found in that scope,
a GETUPVAL instruction is generated to load the variable via the
upvalue list that sits in the function's closure.
3. If no containing scope has 'x', a GETTABLE instruction is issued to
load the value as a table access from _ENV.
The requested "blind" keyword would merely tell the compiler to treat
the current innermost scope, from that point onwards, as not having a
containing scope, so that step 2 is an empty loop.
Youmay have been thinking of what happens in case 3: the GETTABLE from
_ENV could trigger a whole chin of __index metamethods, depending on
what you have done with _ENV (in fact, since this idiom is used in an
object-oriented paradigm, your _ENV is an object which may well have a
complicated metatable).
Tim Hill
2018-11-16 00:18:39 UTC
Post by Gabriel Bertilson
So the function expression
`function () return x end` either returns an upvalue or a global, and
the assignment `x = 10` is resolved to an assignment
Actually it doesn’t return an upvalue OR a global .. it returns whatever value was in ‘x’ when the function was called.

Philippe Verdy
2018-11-16 03:25:29 UTC
No, it returns what was in the variable x in the upvalue (i.e. the x part
of the closure where it was compiled in scope), and not the x which may be
defined anywhere else the function will be called, which is not bound to
this closure created at compile time.
The upvalues are in some table (even if the LuaVM uses a faster approach
using an array for the environment of function closures, which allows
faster and direct indexing by it's internal opcode).
The opcodes however are not relevant, they are internals of the VM, just
like the limitation of the closure array size. This array does not even
necessarily exist at runtime when actually these opcodes may have already
been transformed to another instruction set: these opcodes are not part of
the language itself, they change across versions of Lua whose default VM
changes regularly its virtual instructions set and formats; the chain
really exists when this closure is bound before calling the function code
to prepare the new "register file"). anyway I think that what the Lua
authors name "registers" is abusive, it is just a frame format, except that
it uses a separate store than the call stack, and that the callstack itself
is not necessarily represented as a single vector but can as well be a
chained list: VM are free to use the represetnation that is more convenient
to them and the integration contraint or memory constraints.
Basically I don't see any different between the "registers" model of the
Lua VM and the "[BP+n]" indexing used in most stack-based CPU instruction
sets. In fact a VM just needs 3 pointer registers to work: some stack
pointer, a base frame pointer, and an instruction pointer, eventually also
a flags register if they are needed by chained instructions like
conditional jumps (everything else can as well be in stack and other
registers are just faster "caches" aliasing what is in the stack (including
when there's a single accumulator, which is a cache of what is in the top
of stack). Then you can model the instruction sets (opcodes) as you want.
beside the instruction pointer, you can compile any language using a stack
(independantly og how it is structured and allocated) and two registers for
the bottom and top of stack, and between the locations in the stack
indicated by these two pointers, there's the equivalent of the Lua
"register file". Even absolute and relative jump instructions can be
considered as basic arithmetic operations on generic registers, and it
could be located directly at top of the stack, along with the base pointer,
so only one register is needed: the stack pointer itself. Using actual
registers outside the stack is just a local optimization.
When you realize that, you can see that there's a much wider way to
implement a VM and its intruction set (generated by its internal compiler,
which may be multistaged, with several kinds of instruction sets and
So each timle you speak about opcodes, you are not speaking about Lua
itself, but about another specific assembly language used by one of its VMs
and its internal compiler. If you forget that inner detail, then
conceptually at the Lua language level, there are tables for everything,
the rest is only optimization made by the VM itself.
On Nov 15, 2018, at 3:22 PM, Gabriel Bertilson <
So the function expression
`function () return x end` either returns an upvalue or a global, and
the assignment `x = 10` is resolved to an assignment
Actually it doesn’t return an upvalue OR a global .. it returns whatever
value was in ‘x’ when the function was called.
Dirk Laurie
2018-11-16 08:53:39 UTC
The upvalues are in some table (even if the LuaVM uses a faster approach using an array for the environment of function closures, which allows faster and direct indexing by it's internal opcode).
The opcodes however are not relevant, they are internals of the VM
When you realize that, you can see that there's a much wider way to implement a VM and its intruction set (generated by its internal compiler, which may be multistaged, with several kinds of instruction sets and opcodes).
I thnk we are all agreed that the VM and its instruction set, and
therefore binary Lua chunks, are implementation details.

Where we seem to differ, is in what other concepts are also
implementation details.

Philippe's point of view is that there exists a scripting language
called Lua, for which in principle a compiler or interpreter is
possible that does not use the Lua stack model and C API, thereby
relegating that model to an implementation detail. In such an
implementation, there would be no need for any data stucture other
than a table.

The rest of us take the point of view that whatever is in the manual
is part of the official specification ot Lua, not an implementation

I grant Philippe the validity of his point of view. There are some
practical difficulties, such as the entire run-time library that would
have to be rewritten and re-debugged if you do not have the API at
your disposal, but in theory it is fine.

But then we come to the whole question of name resolution. Lua has an
interesting mixture: local variables, including upvalues, have lexical
scope and are resolved at compile time; global variables are resolved
at runtime. This has not necessarily always been the case, but from
Lua 5.2 it has been part of the definition of Lua that a global
variable is equivalent to a field in a table named _ENV.

There would need to be a similar table _LOC for local variables (which
includes parameters), and as Philippe has said, its __index metamethod
would be another _LOC, eventually leading to _ENV.

There is a certain economy of thought here: the use of the table as
the only data structuring mechanism is carried a step further, the
distinction between "upvalue" and "global" would disappear, closures
would not be needed.

This economy is however immediately lost in performance, involving
time and memory resources. Much of the work done in the usual model at
compile time would now (repeatedly) be done at runtime. In order to
preserve lexical rather than dynamic scoping. a new _LOC table would
be necessary for every 'local' statement.

But it does seem to be _possible_ to get a working Lua interpreter that way.
Philippe Verdy
2018-11-16 16:20:02 UTC
My point is not that the table has to be implemetned necessarily as a hash
with a vector indexed by hash(key) containing pointers/references to keys
and collision pointers (or a randomization function like adding some prime
modulo N where N is the size of the hash) plus a pointer/refernce to
values, and a separate store for keys and for values. There are lot of ways
to implement tables including the possibility for some kinds of keys or
values to reduce it to a simple integer-indexed vector (i.e. an array).
So the alledged cost of using a table for upvalues is not true: this is
here also implementation detail. As well as the way you implement the stack
(not necessarily as an array, as it could be as well a double-linked list),
so te implementation can also be "stackless" (i.e. the Lua VM engine could
be used with a small constant maximum use of the native thread stack, all
the rest only needing a head, and even all Lua objects could have a
constant maximum native size, allowing efficient reuse of the native heap
with low level of fragmentation, and faster use of the native heap, and low
footprint on the native heap).
It's important to remember that the Lua table is a generalization of
several wellknown structures: lists, arrays, vectors, associative arrays,
sets, trees... it can be used in fact for all kinds of collections
(including collections of collections). Lua also allows tables to be linked
to another table to form a chain of tables (so it also natively allows
ternary trees of collections with all orders/ranks).
If we view the language this way, there's large freedom of implementation,
and much more possibilities to implement not just interpreters, but as well
compilers (including JIT compilers and static compilers) than what the
current Lua.org's implementation currently uses.: Even Lua.org's has
changed between versions how this implementation was done. Even the opcodes
where considerably changed (i.e. the VMs themselves were necessarily
incompatible, but not the language itself and programs written in it). This
allowed multiple implementations to appear, and allowed the language to be
integrated in many more environments, including the smallest ones (e.g. on
IoT devices, or even small 8-bit microcontrolers, or within other VMs for
languages like Java or Javascript, or within networked environments, or
within SQL engines for example in stored procedures and triggers). Lua is
extremely flexible nad much less dependant than other languages like C/C++
which require a much more complex base environement and setting up a
processing model with harder to support.
The concept of "registers" in the Lua.org's implemetnation is nothing else
than a conceptualization of an integer-indexed array which is used in hope
to improve data locality, it is not necessarily bound to native registers.
It is used only because of the way its opcodes are encoded in its VM
instruction set (but the same can be said as well in C/C++ stack based
implementations using [BP+offset] indexed arrays for local variables, and
*caching* a few of them in native registers. The main difference being that
"words" used in the Lua.org's implementation is not just n-bit integers
(like in native CPUs) but can hold any Lua's datatype (i.e. it is a tagged
TV value which can be represented by a fixed-size object, even if some bits
are actually references to other "words").
Post by Philippe Verdy
Post by Philippe Verdy
The upvalues are in some table (even if the LuaVM uses a faster approach
using an array for the environment of function closures, which allows
faster and direct indexing by it's internal opcode).
Post by Philippe Verdy
The opcodes however are not relevant, they are internals of the VM
When you realize that, you can see that there's a much wider way to
implement a VM and its intruction set (generated by its internal compiler,
which may be multistaged, with several kinds of instruction sets and
I thnk we are all agreed that the VM and its instruction set, and
therefore binary Lua chunks, are implementation details.
Where we seem to differ, is in what other concepts are also
implementation details.
Philippe's point of view is that there exists a scripting language
called Lua, for which in principle a compiler or interpreter is
possible that does not use the Lua stack model and C API, thereby
relegating that model to an implementation detail. In such an
implementation, there would be no need for any data stucture other
than a table.
The rest of us take the point of view that whatever is in the manual
is part of the official specification ot Lua, not an implementation
I grant Philippe the validity of his point of view. There are some
practical difficulties, such as the entire run-time library that would
have to be rewritten and re-debugged if you do not have the API at
your disposal, but in theory it is fine.
But then we come to the whole question of name resolution. Lua has an
interesting mixture: local variables, including upvalues, have lexical
scope and are resolved at compile time; global variables are resolved
at runtime. This has not necessarily always been the case, but from
Lua 5.2 it has been part of the definition of Lua that a global
variable is equivalent to a field in a table named _ENV.
There would need to be a similar table _LOC for local variables (which
includes parameters), and as Philippe has said, its __index metamethod
would be another _LOC, eventually leading to _ENV.
There is a certain economy of thought here: the use of the table as
the only data structuring mechanism is carried a step further, the
distinction between "upvalue" and "global" would disappear, closures
would not be needed.
This economy is however immediately lost in performance, involving
time and memory resources. Much of the work done in the usual model at
compile time would now (repeatedly) be done at runtime. In order to
preserve lexical rather than dynamic scoping. a new _LOC table would
be necessary for every 'local' statement.
But it does seem to be _possible_ to get a working Lua interpreter that way.
Gé Weijers
2018-11-16 18:25:55 UTC
anyway I think that what the Lua authors name "registers" is abusive, it
is just a frame format, except that it uses a separate store than the call
stack, and that the callstack itself is not necessarily represented as a
single vector but can as well be a chained list: VM are free to use the
represetnation that is more convenient to them and the integration
contraint or memory constraints.
The word 'registers' is used to differentiate the PUC Lua interpreter's
approach of defining the VM from the typical stack machine instruction set,
where most of the time the operands are the top few entries of a stack, and
the instructions do not explicitly reference them. At the right level of
abstraction (the VM *instruction* level) they are 'registers'. At the VM
*implementation* level they're arrays of numbers/pointers with tag bits. I
have to disagree with the use of the word "abusive" here.

Philippe Verdy
2018-11-16 21:22:24 UTC
the term "word" was chosen purpusely and accuretely: it indicates the basic
unit of data managed at the instruction level by the instruction set used
by the interpreting part of the engine. Even in the Lua.org's VM, this unit
of information is the same a a standard Lua value: it has both a a
type and a value (not necessarily numeric), which are unseparatable.
In a classic CPU, the "word" has no distinctive type, it's just a
fixed-size set of bits with arithmetic properties.
In Lua.org's VM, the "word" is also fixed size but contain other bits that
have no arithmetic properties but are assiocated with specific behavior
affecting what the VM does or infers in addition to what is specified by
the instruction set.
I used "word" exactly, I did not say "byte" or "bits", or "integer": "word"
is the abstract term that covers other kind of data (here data which
includes itself its own datatype information, something not encoded at all
in "words" used by CPU where datatype is implicit and unchangeable, and
only depends on the instructions in code, plus some other constraints like
the state of internal registers, notably those controlling access to
external memory when these words are used as "adresses" by specifically
In the formal Turing machine, a "word" is any information stored in a
distinct memory cell, but the machine does not restrict at all the type of
information stored there (it's not necessarily an integer in a restricted
range, like in CPUs).
Post by Gé Weijers
anyway I think that what the Lua authors name "registers" is abusive, it
is just a frame format, except that it uses a separate store than the call
stack, and that the callstack itself is not necessarily represented as a
single vector but can as well be a chained list: VM are free to use the
represetnation that is more convenient to them and the integration
contraint or memory constraints.
The word 'registers' is used to differentiate the PUC Lua interpreter's
approach of defining the VM from the typical stack machine instruction set,
where most of the time the operands are the top few entries of a stack, and
the instructions do not explicitly reference them. At the right level of
abstraction (the VM *instruction* level) they are 'registers'. At the VM
*implementation* level they're arrays of numbers/pointers with tag bits.
I have to disagree with the use of the word "abusive" here.
Sean Conner
2018-11-16 22:04:04 UTC
Post by Philippe Verdy
the term "word" was chosen purpusely and accuretely: it indicates the basic
unit of data managed at the instruction level by the instruction set used
by the interpreting part of the engine.
I was taught that a "word" is the number of bits the CPU can handle
natively (or without addtional work). That's fine for most CPUs, but things
do get fuzzy. For instance, the Intel 8088. Internally it can do 16-bit
arithmatic so clearly it's "word" is 16-bits. *BUT* it only has an 8-bit
data bus, so retreiving a 16-bit word requires more work. So what is the
"word" size on an 8088? 8-bits or 16-bits?

The Motorols 68000 is similar---internally, it can handle 32-bit
artithmatic, but it too, has a data bus smaller than it's internal bus, in
this case, a 16-bit data bus. So, what does "word" mean for the 68000?
16-bits or 32-bits? [1]

Then you have the real odd-balls of the world, like the Intel 432 [2],
which didn't have a fixed size word. Or the PERQ, a computer system with a
writable instruction set! (want 16-bit words? Rewrite the instruction set.
13-bit words? Fine, rewrite the instruction set)
Post by Philippe Verdy
Even in the Lua.org's VM, this unit
of information is the same a a standard Lua value: it has both a a
type and a value (not necessarily numeric), which are unseparatable.
In a classic CPU, the "word" has no distinctive type, it's just a
fixed-size set of bits with arithmetic properties.
In Lua.org's VM, the "word" is also fixed size but contain other bits that
have no arithmetic properties but are assiocated with specific behavior
affecting what the VM does or infers in addition to what is specified by
the instruction set.
Oh, then there are the various LISP machines, made in the late 70s---they
had tagged memory. So in addition to the "data bits" part of the
"word", they also had "tag bits" that existly solely to impart type
information for the "data bits" part of the word. So it's inaccurate to say
that a "word" is just a collection of undifferentiated set of bits.
Post by Philippe Verdy
I used "word" exactly, I did not say "byte" or "bits", or "integer": "word"
is the abstract term that covers other kind of data (here data which
includes itself its own datatype information, something not encoded at all
in "words" used by CPU where datatype is implicit and unchangeable, and
only depends on the instructions in code, plus some other constraints like
the state of internal registers, notably those controlling access to
external memory when these words are used as "adresses" by specifically
I could not follow this at all.


[1] For me, the 8088 has a 16-bit word, and the 68000 a 32-bit word, but
I'm a software engineer. Were I an electrical engineer, I'd give a
different answer.

[2] Never actually released as far as I can tell.
Philippe Verdy
2018-11-16 23:13:38 UTC
Post by Sean Conner
Oh, then there are the various LISP machines, made in the late 70s---they
had tagged memory. So in addition to the "data bits" part of the
"word", they also had "tag bits" that existly solely to impart type
information for the "data bits" part of the word. So it's inaccurate to say
that a "word" is just a collection of undifferentiated set of bits.
Reread: you're reformulating what I told. I never said that a word was a
collection of undifferentiated bits.

This is exactly the opposite that I said (and this is notably applicable to
Lua "words" whose innner "bits" are differerentiated between datatype
indicators and actual data (to represent numeric or string values or nil or
table instances, or functions; we have to add also "closures", i.e. the
instanciated contexts in which functions or coroutines are operating):
"words" in Lua are tagged objects with a small size (fixed for each type,
even if they are linked to other "words" to create a larger structure,
notably for strings, tables, functions, and coroutines). The fact that
these tagged objects have small fixed size allows storing them in a single
"word" which are then countable and referencable, by the instruction set
defined by the Lua VM.

So yes there's a valid concept of "word" in that context.

In Lisp the fundamental unit of information is the "node" in a binary tree:
there's a differenciation only between the left and right links of the node
(which is just an ordered pair), an in very few bits reserved in each link
of the pair (allowing to differentiate a "nil" reference from an actual
node reference, or a scalar value); both items of the pair are identifical
and you could argue that the fundamental unit of information is one of
these two items, but these items by themselves do not allow any contruction
of larger data structures (lists, stacks, sets, tables, graphs...) and do
not allow creating an ordered flow of instructions. Instructions in any
Lisp VM are themselves represented by these "nodes" (so the language
naturally has reflection/instrospection capability, it can even transform
"functions", i.e. what they will do when executed).
Sean Conner
2018-11-17 00:32:25 UTC
Post by Philippe Verdy
Post by Sean Conner
Oh, then there are the various LISP machines, made in the late 70s---they
had tagged memory. So in addition to the "data bits" part of the
"word", they also had "tag bits" that existly solely to impart type
information for the "data bits" part of the word. So it's inaccurate to say
that a "word" is just a collection of undifferentiated set of bits.
Reread: you're reformulating what I told. I never said that a word was a
collection of undifferentiated bits.
You are correct. I've gone back and carefully read through your walls of
Post by Philippe Verdy
In a classic CPU, the "word" has no distinctive type, it's just a
fixed-size set of bits with arithmetic properties.
In *many* CPU architectures, yes, a word is "a fixed-size set of bits" (I
have no idea how to interpret "arithmetic properties" so I'm leaving that
out), but not *ALL* CPU architectures are like that---that's what I was
talking about.

You failed to understand what I meant by a LISP machine. A LISP machine
is (or rather, was, they're no longer being manufactured but they still
exist and some even still run) a machine specifically built to efficiently
run LISP *at the CPU level*. In fact [1]:

The Symbolics 3600 family is a line of 36-bit single-user computers
designed for high-productivity software development and for the
execution of large symbolic programs. 3600-family processors give
the user all the computational power associated with multi-user
timesharing computers in a dedicated workstation. This is
accomplished via a new and unique machine architecture that supports
high-speed symbol processing operations directly in hardware. For
example, *** every word in a Symbolics computer's virtual memory is
tagged with data type bits ***---hence the name tagged architecture
to describe 3600-family processors. The processor reads these bits
to prevent illegal operations. As an added benefit, tag bits reduce
the need for data type declarations in programs.

(emphasis added)
Post by Philippe Verdy
This is exactly the opposite that I said
(and this is notably applicable to Lua "words" whose innner "bits" are
differerentiated between datatype indicators and actual data
(to represent numeric or string values or nil or table instances,
or functions; we have to add also "closures", i.e. the
instanciated contexts in which functions or coroutines are
:"words" in Lua are tagged objects with a small size
(fixed for each type, even if they are linked to other "words" to
create a larger structure, notably for strings, tables, functions,
and coroutines)
. The fact that these tagged objects have small fixed size allows storing
them in a single "word" which are then countable and referencable, by the
instruction set defined by the Lua VM.
You're missing a closing parenthesis. This is another reason your text is
hard to follow.
Post by Philippe Verdy
So yes there's a valid concept of "word" in that context.
In Lisp the fundamental unit of information is the "node" in a binary
tree: there's a differenciation only between the left and right links of
the node (which is just an ordered pair), an in very few bits reserved in
each link of the pair (allowing to differentiate a "nil" reference from an
actual node reference, or a scalar value); both items of the pair are
identifical and you could argue that the fundamental unit of information
is one of these two items, but these items by themselves do not allow any
contruction of larger data structures (lists, stacks, sets, tables,
graphs...) and do not allow creating an ordered flow of instructions.
I am not following you here. I'm not even sure what you are trying to say
Post by Philippe Verdy
Instructions in any
Lisp VM are themselves represented by these "nodes" (so the language
naturally has reflection/instrospection capability, it can even transform
"functions", i.e. what they will do when executed).
Yes, there are other languages that can transform their own code---Ruby,
Forth, Smalltalk, even Assembly if you know what you are doing.


[1] http://smbx.org/symbolics-technical-summary/
Tim Hill
2018-11-17 02:31:28 UTC
Post by Sean Conner
I was taught that a "word" is the number of bits the CPU can handle
natively (or without addtional work). That's fine for most CPUs, but things
do get fuzzy. For instance, the Intel 8088. Internally it can do 16-bit
arithmatic so clearly it's "word" is 16-bits. *BUT* it only has an 8-bit
data bus, so retreiving a 16-bit word requires more work. So what is the
"word" size on an 8088? 8-bits or 16-bits?
Same here, but I always felt it was driven by the CPU architecture, not the bus width (after all, a modern x86 CPU has VERY wide busses, sometimes 256 bits, but no-one is claiming its a 256-bit architecture). To my mind the 8088 was a 16-bit CPU since most instructions (add/sub/xor/neg etc) naturally worked on 16-bit values in 16-bit registers (notwithstanding using AH/AL etc).

I think “word” wrt CPU architecture was never a precise term, and probably never will be.

Dirk Laurie
2018-11-17 06:55:27 UTC
I think “word” wrt CPU architecture was never a precise term, and probably never will be.
Oh, a mathematically precise definition is possible. "A word is an
individually addressable entity larger than the smallest such entity."
Whether this definition is useful is can be established only by a
disciple of Bourbaki (one of which, an I mistake not, has recently
joined this list).
Philippe Verdy
2018-11-17 08:07:04 UTC
Post by Tim Hill
Post by Tim Hill
I think “word” wrt CPU architecture was never a precise term, and
probably never will be.
Oh, a mathematically precise definition is possible. "A word is an
individually addressable entity larger than the smallest such entity."
Whether this definition is useful is can be established only by a
disciple of Bourbaki (one of which, an I mistake not, has recently
joined this list).
And this definition applies to Lua (or Javascript) objects: they are the
smallest individually addressable entities, just like nodes in Lisp: they
always carry a type with them (including at the lower VM level where they
are "addressed" relatively by opcodes. of the virtual instruction set;
there's a special case for characters in strings, but strings are immutable
objects and getting characters for strings (e.g. extracting substrings) is
a way to "project" a string with a function that will also return another
typed object (another string object, or another number object). The "size"
in bits of Lua objects is not defined precisely.

Note that processors do not always have a single word size: there exists
processors that have several addressable spaces which may be used either to
refer to the same objects or parts of object (as aliased addresses) or to
completely separate spaces : the 80x86 have the concept of segments for
example where these spaces are not necessarily independant, but there's
also the case of microsontrolers that can address memory using different
word sizes (e.g. bytes, or bits), and the case of I/O spaces (not
ncessarily separated from the memory space), interrupt spaces, MMU spaces
(pages), register files (different word sizes between ALUs, FPUs and VPUs).

This makes difficulties to define an address (and the concept of "minimal
unit of information which is individually addressable", notably in C, a
problem solved in C++ using more cleanly typed pointers (including notably
fonction pointers, or object method pointers which carry with them the
address of the object on which they apply and possibly a table entry
number), but used also in C with things like near/far pointers (it's not
evident that CPU integers can represent all needed distinct addresses, you
frequently need multiple integer-typed "words" to represent a single
distinct address, so even at CPU level, a word is not just an integer, it
is typed even if the types are not necessarily stored but implied by the
instructions used to handle them). Converting a typed address to another
type is most often lossy and reconstructing a complete adress from a
partial adress will require additonal words (including for example some
access token or a current operating mode/state, representing a proof of
access right or privilege).

Gabriel Bertilson
2018-11-16 07:53:02 UTC
Right, I was being sloppy. Thanks for the correction because it was misleading.

— Gabriel
Post by Tim Hill
Post by Gabriel Bertilson
So the function expression
`function () return x end` either returns an upvalue or a global, and
the assignment `x = 10` is resolved to an assignment
Actually it doesn’t return an upvalue OR a global .. it returns whatever value was in ‘x’ when the function was called.
Duane Leslie
2018-11-13 20:04:22 UTC
Post by Dirk Laurie
I'm not too sure how one could implement hiding of upvalues at the
language level. (At the implementation level, it's obvious. Just skip
the phase that looks for them.) Maybe a keyword that makes upvalues
invisible to the end of the current local scope.
rotate = function (_ENV,c,s) blind
return {x=c*x-s*y,y=s*x+c*y}
This does need a compiler change to fix because of the way locals and upvalues get hard coded at compile time. My "declared upvalue" patch from 2-ish years ago fixes this as well as the recent request regarding upvalue ordering (I mentioned it in that thread). I raise it again here because your proposal of adding a 'blind' keyword is the same as the empty upvalue list `<>` in my syntax.


