The += operator, again
Felipe Tavares
2018-11-19 19:36:06 UTC

I am writing an lightweight (and bare bones) implementation of the += operator.
I already got it working, many thanks to the power patch by Olsen (http://lua-users.org/files/wiki_insecure/power_patches/5.2/compound-5.2.2.patch (https://link.getmailspring.com/link/1542655470.local-2711d4b8-ab3c-v1.5.1-***@getmailspring.com/0?redirect=http%3A%2F%2Flua-users.org%2Ffiles%2Fwiki_insecure%2Fpower_patches%2F5.2%2Fcompound-5.2.2.patch&recipient=bHVhLWxAbGlzdHMubHVhLm9yZw%3D%3D)).
Diferently from Olsen, I added an extra token (TK_PLUSEQ) to the parser, and then in the assignment routine in lparser.c I did this:
static void assignment (LexState *ls, struct LHS_assign *lh, int nvars) {
expdesc e;
check_condition(ls, vkisvar(lh->v.k), "syntax error");
/* Language extension here */
else if (testnext(ls, TK_PLUSEQ)) {
// Get the rvalue expression
expr(ls, &e);
// Add it with the lvalue of the assignment
luaK_infix(ls->fs, OPR_ADD, &e);
luaK_posfix(ls->fs, OPR_ADD, &e, &lh->v, ls->linenumber);
// Store it back
luaK_storevar(ls->fs, &lh->v, &e);
return; /* avoid default */

Now, this works, but not in all cases:
local x = 1
x += 1

Doesn't (has no effect on the value of y.y):
local y = {
y = 1
y.y += 1

Doesnt (has no effect on z.z.z):
local z = {
z = {
z = 1

z.z.z += 1
I have no idea why it works in some cases and in others it doesn't; I am guessing it has something to do with the way the variable (lh->v) is actually represented?
Gé Weijers
2018-11-19 23:23:03 UTC
Post by Felipe Tavares
I am writing an lightweight (and bare bones) implementation of the += operator.
I already got it working, many thanks to the power patch by Olsen (
+= etc. is not simple to implement if you want to keep the regular Lua
semantics, for instance in this case:

t[f()] += 1

This has to be translated into:

local tmp = f()
t[tmp] = t[tmp] + 1
tmp = nil

If 't' has a metatable it may trigger __index and __newindex metamethod
calls, so you can't just obtain the location of t[tmp] and update it.

It may be exceedingly tricky to efficiently generate this kind of code in a
single-pass top-down translator, but I have not studied that in detail so I
don't know.

Felipe Tavares
2018-11-20 01:14:53 UTC
The assignment operator is implemented in this same function, as:

else { /* assignment -> '=' explist */
int nexps;
checknext(ls, '=');
nexps = explist(ls, &e);
if (nexps != nvars)
adjust_assign(ls, nvars, nexps, &e);
else {
luaK_setoneret(ls->fs, &e); /* close last expression */
luaK_storevar(ls->fs, &lh->v, &e);
return; /* avoid default */

If you take a closer look the important part is:
luaK_storevar(ls->fs, &lh->v, &e);
which is a function in lcode.c that:
** Generate code to store result of expression 'ex' into variable 'var'.
void luaK_storevar (FuncState *fs, expdesc *var, expdesc *ex) {

So if I could just update this expression `e` with a extra addition operation, it should work, keeping all the syntax etc because it's built with the same tools as the rest of the language instead of attacking the problem from the ground up.
That is of course, except if I am missing a big point here.
Post by Gé Weijers
Post by Felipe Tavares
I am writing an lightweight (and bare bones) implementation of the += operator.
t[f()] += 1
local tmp = f()
t[tmp] = t[tmp] + 1
tmp = nil
If 't' has a metatable it may trigger __index and __newindex metamethod calls, so you can't just obtain the location of t[tmp] and update it.
It may be exceedingly tricky to efficiently generate this kind of code in a single-pass top-down translator, but I have not studied that in detail so I don't know.
Philippe Verdy
2018-11-21 11:12:06 UTC
This has to do with the way expressions are parsed, using operator
priorities: the other operators are generating thier own code in order you
do not expect.
Post by Felipe Tavares
I am writing an lightweight (and bare bones) implementation of the += operator.
I already got it working, many thanks to the power patch by Olsen (
Diferently from Olsen, I added an extra token (TK_PLUSEQ) to the parser,
static void assignment (LexState *ls, struct LHS_assign *lh, int nvars) {
expdesc e;
check_condition(ls, vkisvar(lh->v.k), "syntax error");
/* Language extension here */
else if (testnext(ls, TK_PLUSEQ)) {
// Get the rvalue expression
expr(ls, &e);
// Add it with the lvalue of the assignment
luaK_infix(ls->fs, OPR_ADD, &e);
luaK_posfix(ls->fs, OPR_ADD, &e, &lh->v, ls->linenumber);
// Store it back
luaK_storevar(ls->fs, &lh->v, &e);
return; /* avoid default */
local x = 1
x += 1
local y = {
y = 1
y.y += 1
local z = {
z = {
z = 1
z.z.z += 1
I have no idea why it works in some cases and in others it doesn't; I am
guessing it has something to do with the way the variable (lh->v) is
actually represented?
[image: Open Tracking]
Felipe Tavares
2018-11-22 21:27:38 UTC
This was not the case at all. It was related to order of code generation
but not parsing or operators.

I got it to work after some more debugging and the issue was simply that
`luaK_posfix` calls (indirectly) `freereg` on indexed variables. So my
references became invalid when I tried to assign data to indexed variables.

The solution was to mess around a bit so that in this case I can free the
registers after assigning the new data to the indexed variable.
Post by Philippe Verdy
This has to do with the way expressions are parsed, using operator
priorities: the other operators are generating thier own code in order you
do not expect.
Post by Felipe Tavares
I am writing an lightweight (and bare bones) implementation of the += operator.
I already got it working, many thanks to the power patch by Olsen (
Diferently from Olsen, I added an extra token (TK_PLUSEQ) to the parser,
static void assignment (LexState *ls, struct LHS_assign *lh, int nvars) {
expdesc e;
check_condition(ls, vkisvar(lh->v.k), "syntax error");
/* Language extension here */
else if (testnext(ls, TK_PLUSEQ)) {
// Get the rvalue expression
expr(ls, &e);
// Add it with the lvalue of the assignment
luaK_infix(ls->fs, OPR_ADD, &e);
luaK_posfix(ls->fs, OPR_ADD, &e, &lh->v, ls->linenumber);
// Store it back
luaK_storevar(ls->fs, &lh->v, &e);
return; /* avoid default */
local x = 1
x += 1
local y = {
y = 1
y.y += 1
local z = {
z = {
z = 1
z.z.z += 1
I have no idea why it works in some cases and in others it doesn't; I am
guessing it has something to do with the way the variable (lh->v) is
actually represented?
[image: Open Tracking]
Felipe Tavares
Domingo Alvarez Duarte
2018-11-23 13:41:54 UTC
Hello Felipe !

Look at this https://github.com/mingodad/ljs where I've got ideas and
code from https://github.com/ex/Killa and
https://github.com/sajonoso/jual and fixed the code for "+= -= *= /= %="
to work with indexed variables.

See the table-decl.ljs .

There is a program to translate ".lua" to ".ljs" on folder lua2ljs it
uses lemon and re2c to parse lua files and convert to ljs (lua with
C/C++/Java/Javascript syntax, there is no reason for the extensions to
also work with the original lua syntax.

I also have it done for luajit but it's not yet published.

If anyone want to help I'm now looking for how to implement pre/post
increment/decrement "++"/"--" operators and a class system.

Cheers !
Felipe Tavares
2018-11-24 04:29:11 UTC
Hey Domingo, I took a look and the solution in there is indeed a bit better than mine!

Instead of changing the source code to not free the registers, we reserve a new register before parsing (lparser.c, assign_compound()):

/* store compound results in a new register (needed for nested tables) */

luaK_reserveregs(fs, 1);

/* parse right-hand expression */

nexps = explist(ls, &rh);

check_condition(ls, nexps == 1, "syntax error in right hand expression in compound assignment");

infix = lh->v;


luaK_posfix(fs, op, &infix, &rh, line);

luaK_storevar(fs, &(lh->v), &infix);

`++` and `--` are pretty easy! I think prefix is easier to start because you can stuff the mod in the code that does unary operations for stuff like `-1`. For suffix, it think it would go after the code for indexing. The implementation itself is easy, you just have to construct a `expdesc` for the value of 1, sum it with the variable and store it back, it should be mostly reusing the code for compound assignment.
Thanks a lot for this repos, they're gold!
Post by Domingo Alvarez Duarte
Hello Felipe !
Look at this https://github.com/mingodad/ljs where I've got ideas and
code from https://github.com/ex/Killa and
https://github.com/sajonoso/jual and fixed the code for "+= -= *= /= %="
to work with indexed variables.
See the table-decl.ljs .
There is a program to translate ".lua" to ".ljs" on folder lua2ljs it
uses lemon and re2c to parse lua files and convert to ljs (lua with
C/C++/Java/Javascript syntax, there is no reason for the extensions to
also work with the original lua syntax.
I also have it done for luajit but it's not yet published.
If anyone want to help I'm now looking for how to implement pre/post
increment/decrement "++"/"--" operators and a class system.
Cheers !
Domingo Alvarez Duarte
2018-12-05 11:59:47 UTC
Hello !

I've updated the repositories with fixes for compound operators on
upvalues and also added pre/pos increment operators "++/--".

Cheers !
Post by Felipe Tavares
Hey Domingo, I took a look and the solution in there is indeed a bit better than mine!
Instead of changing the source code to not free the registers, we
/* store compound results in a new register (needed for nested tables) */
luaK_reserveregs(fs, 1);
/* parse right-hand expression */
nexps = explist(ls, &rh);
check_condition(ls, nexps == 1, "syntax error in right hand expression
in compound assignment");
infix = lh->v;
luaK_posfix(fs, op, &infix, &rh, line);
luaK_storevar(fs, &(lh->v), &infix);
`++` and `--` are pretty easy! I think prefix is easier to start
because you can stuff the mod in the code that does unary operations
for stuff like `-1`. For suffix, it think it would go after the code
for indexing. The implementation itself is easy, you just have to
construct a `expdesc` for the value of 1, sum it with the variable and
store it back, it should be mostly reusing the code for compound
Thanks a lot for this repos, they're gold!
On Nov 23 2018, at 10:41 am, Domingo Alvarez Duarte
Hello Felipe !
Look at this https://github.com/mingodad/ljs where I've got ideas and
code from https://github.com/ex/Killa and
https://github.com/sajonoso/jual and fixed the code for "+= -= *= /= %="
to work with indexed variables.
See the table-decl.ljs .
There is a program to translate ".lua" to ".ljs" on folder lua2ljs it
uses lemon and re2c to parse lua files and convert to ljs (lua with
C/C++/Java/Javascript syntax, there is no reason for the extensions to
also work with the original lua syntax.
I also have it done for luajit but it's not yet published.
If anyone want to help I'm now looking for how to implement pre/post
increment/decrement "++"/"--" operators and a class system.
Cheers !
Open Tracking
Sam Putman
2018-12-05 20:16:16 UTC
Post by Domingo Alvarez Duarte
Hello !
I've updated the repositories with fixes for compound operators on
upvalues and also added pre/pos increment operators "++/--".
[image: Open Tracking]
If you don't mind my asking, what does this do?
tab[++#tab] = val

let's say #tab was 3, what happens?
Domingo Alvarez Duarte
2018-12-06 10:37:39 UTC
Hello Sam !

First of all thanks for commenting !

I didn't tried something like this before so I wrote this small program
and tried to compile/run:
var val = 3;
var tab = [1,2];
tab[++#tab] = val;
ljs: test-pp.ljs:3: unexpected symbol near '#'
But it works this way showing a bug ?:
var val = 3;
var tab = [1,2];
tab[++(#tab)] = val;
ljs test-pp.ljs
1    1
2    3

The way it's implemented right now reject it, but a way I usually use it
in situations like this is as follow:
var tab = {"one": 1, "two" : 2, "three": 3, "four": 4};
var ary = [];
var idx = 0;
for(k,v in pairs(tab)) ary[++idx] = [k,v];
table.sort(ary, function(a,b){ return a[2] < b[2];});

for( idx, v in ipairs(ary)) print(idx, v[1], v[2]);
ljs test-pp2.ljs
1    one    1
2    two    2
3    three    3
4    four    4

I appreciate your comments.

Again thanks in advance for your time and attention !
On Wed, Dec 5, 2018 at 2:00 AM Domingo Alvarez Duarte
Hello !
I've updated the repositories with fixes for compound operators on
upvalues and also added pre/pos increment operators "++/--".
Post by Felipe Tavares
Open Tracking
If you don't mind my asking, what does this do?
tab[++#tab] = val
let's say #tab was 3, what happens?
David Favro
2018-12-05 22:50:48 UTC
Post by Domingo Alvarez Duarte
I've updated the repositories with fixes for compound operators on
upvalues and also added pre/pos increment operators "++/--".
How do you differentiate "--" as an operator from a comment-start?

I have been an advocate for the += operator, which I think is sorely lacking in Lua, for many years [1]. But in my opinion ++ and -- are much less useful, and when used give fewer advantages [2], and pose more issues, such as already being used for comments. Yet for some reason people can't help lumping them all together and then using the issues with the unary operators as a purported complication of the binary operator, as well as increasing the overall size of the addition to the language, leading to objections of 'bloat'.

-- David

[1]: I mean in core Lua. I consider patches and forks to be vastly less useful.

[2]: ++ and -- are very frequently used in languages such as C for loop iteration. In Lua, iteration takes place much more often via ipairs(), and even the numeric for loop does not require explicit increment. Furthermore, the ++ operator in C often compiles to a distinct hardware instruction; while in the Lua VM, it would presumably generate code no different than "x+=1" .
Dirk Laurie
2018-12-05 23:57:25 UTC
Post by David Favro
I have been an advocate for the += operator, which I think is sorely lacking in Lua, for many years [1].
Are you an advocate only for +=. or for similar operators for all
binary operators?
David Favro
2018-12-06 16:02:08 UTC
Post by Dirk Laurie
Are you an advocate only for +=. or for similar operators for all
binary operators?
Just +=, as it comes up for me from time to time, although it's not at the top of my list of desired features (numeric pattern captures and a true ternary conditional operator easily edge it out).

But the point of my message was not so much to "advocate" as to point out that the additive assignment operator should not be conflated with the unary increment/decrement as they are often treated as a group.

OTOH, your comment has provoked a little thought journey for me into places like "..=". But I won't let you drag me into group 3! :-)

-- David
Sven Olsen
2018-12-06 23:22:45 UTC
Post by Dirk Laurie
Are you an advocate only for +=. or for similar operators for all
binary operators?
As someone who's implemented and used `..=`, my 2 cents would be that
adding it to the language is actually unwise. If you're going to create a
large string through repeated concatenations, you should almost certainly
be using some kind of pattern that leverages table.concat(). It's far more
efficient because it avoids the allocation of intermediate strings. `..=`
just creates the temptation to build long strings in a way that wastes a
lot of memory and processing time. I'm still cleaning up ancient parts of
my own codebase where I used `..=` when I should have used table.concat().

Arithmetic compound assignment ops are nice to have, but, the
generalization to a compound assignment for all binary ops is a bad idea,

William Ahern
2018-12-07 17:07:13 UTC
Post by Sven Olsen
Post by Dirk Laurie
Are you an advocate only for +=. or for similar operators for all
binary operators?
As someone who's implemented and used `..=`, my 2 cents would be that
adding it to the language is actually unwise. If you're going to create a
large string through repeated concatenations, you should almost certainly
be using some kind of pattern that leverages table.concat(). It's far more
efficient because it avoids the allocation of intermediate strings. `..=`
just creates the temptation to build long strings in a way that wastes a
lot of memory and processing time. I'm still cleaning up ancient parts of
my own codebase where I used `..=` when I should have used table.concat().
Arithmetic compound assignment ops are nice to have, but, the
generalization to a compound assignment for all binary ops is a bad idea,
FWIW, string concatenation operators in Perl, for example, are very
efficient because Perl strings are mutable, and the parser and interpreter
are very clever about optimizing string ops, including implementing CoW.
Code like

$foo .= $a . $b . $c

is basically a memcpy from $a into $foo, $b into $foo and then $c into $foo.
Much of Perl's crazy syntax, semantics, and insanely ugly internals is a
product of the emphasis on optimizing string operations.

For a language like Lua I think a better solution to performant string
construction would be something like Java's StringBuffer. This is trivial to
do in Lua because the language emphasizes making use of the C API, and
userdata objects are first-class in terms of language treatment. The real
issue is that the Lua ecosystem isn't a batteries included kind of
Philippe Verdy
2018-12-07 19:37:44 UTC
I do agree that Lua should have an additional type for mutable strings (or
more generaly vectors, not just tables: this could be done using the
internal representation of tables already optimizing the dense index of
integer keys, internally using 3 arrays, 1 for the dense part, 1 for the
hashmap, 1 for the values mapped from the hashmap, but with a bit more
deeply representation so that the dense part cannot contain any nil value).

This does not necessrily needs a new exposed type (this could be still
exposed as a Lua table with an internal subtype, autodetected by key types
forming a contiguous range of integers).
The values array in that case can directly contain the 21-bit codepoints if
this is restricted to valid UTF-32, or could do like Javascript using an
array of 16 bit integers, compatible with UTF-16 even if it allows unpaired
surrogates, or an array of 32-bit integers, compatible with UTF-32 even if
it contains out-of-range UCS-4 non-characters outside the valid 17 planes
of the standard UCS.

When this is done, there's a way to create strings that would be
"automutable", and a way to transform a muted string to an atomized string
in the global shared table of immutable strings. As well any string could
be derived: extracting substrings would just reuse the internal arrays and
only the assignment in specific key positions (or other functions like
insertion/replacements) would duplicate the string to make it mutable.

Anyway the problem is not only there: incremental concatenation also has a
cost because there are multiple reallocations (but these reallocations are
not optimal when they are immediately "atomized" to immutable strings,
causing lot of work in the garbage collector: reallocation made on mutable
strings would be more lazy, allocating lengths with some gaps at end (that
the garbage collector could still reduce when needed).

This optimization should be generalized for tables (and all arrays),
allowing them to become atomized on demand to shared immutable instances
(but still without blocking them to be deatomized when motified).

The complication however is in the GC: it would have to handle mutable and
immutable tables, and mutable tables would need to be collected by
compressing their unused part (and possibly also recomputing its best
"dense" part of integer keys. There should also exist an optimizing hint
about how many "nil" keys are allowed in the dense part (of a string, this
does not make sense as their character index normally forms a continuous
range from 1 to #string, but we can imagine situations where #string counts
only the first part of the string where all keys in 1..N are assigned a
non-nil value, but still allows other indexes to be assigned in the dense
part without being part of the canonical string. With this hint (e.g. allow
up to 25% of nil keys in the dense part, storing other keys using the
hashmap, or no more than 0% for strict dense representation; my opinion is
that 50% is enough to avoid most pathetic reallocations; but we could still
repack the unused part on demand, notably at end of strings/arrays, if we
need to preserve memory, but the GC could do that work itself without any
explicit demand by the Lua code, and it is intructed to repack strings
using a smaller threshold such as 12.5% or even 0% if this only repacks the
starting or ending range of integer keys because it implies to growth of
the hashmap for the non-dense part).
Post by Sven Olsen
Post by Sven Olsen
Post by Dirk Laurie
Are you an advocate only for +=. or for similar operators for all
binary operators?
As someone who's implemented and used `..=`, my 2 cents would be that
adding it to the language is actually unwise. If you're going to create
Post by Sven Olsen
large string through repeated concatenations, you should almost certainly
be using some kind of pattern that leverages table.concat(). It's far
Post by Sven Olsen
efficient because it avoids the allocation of intermediate strings.
Post by Sven Olsen
just creates the temptation to build long strings in a way that wastes a
lot of memory and processing time. I'm still cleaning up ancient parts of
my own codebase where I used `..=` when I should have used
Post by Sven Olsen
Arithmetic compound assignment ops are nice to have, but, the
generalization to a compound assignment for all binary ops is a bad idea,
FWIW, string concatenation operators in Perl, for example, are very
efficient because Perl strings are mutable, and the parser and interpreter
are very clever about optimizing string ops, including implementing CoW.
Code like
$foo .= $a . $b . $c
is basically a memcpy from $a into $foo, $b into $foo and then $c into $foo.
Much of Perl's crazy syntax, semantics, and insanely ugly internals is a
product of the emphasis on optimizing string operations.
For a language like Lua I think a better solution to performant string
construction would be something like Java's StringBuffer. This is trivial to
do in Lua because the language emphasizes making use of the C API, and
userdata objects are first-class in terms of language treatment. The real
issue is that the Lua ecosystem isn't a batteries included kind of
Frank Kastenholz
2018-12-06 01:44:40 UTC
One place where I think that “++” or equivalent might be as syntactic sugar for adding something to the end of a list

As shorthand for

But it’s not that big a deal

Post by David Favro
I have been an advocate for the += operator, which I think is sorely lacking in Lua, for many years [1]. But in my opinion ++ and -- are much less useful, and when used give fewer advantages [2], and pose more issues, such as already being used for comments. Yet for some reason people can't help lumping them all together and then using the issues with the unary operators as a purported complication of the binary operator, as well as increasing the overall size of the addition to the language, leading to objections of 'bloat'.
-- David
[1]: I mean in core Lua. I consider patches and forks to be vastly less useful.
[2]: ++ and -- are very frequently used in languages such as C for loop iteration. In Lua, iteration takes place much more often via ipairs(), and even the numeric for loop does not require explicit increment. Furthermore, the ++ operator in C often compiles to a distinct hardware instruction; while in the Lua VM, it would presumably generate code no different than "x+=1" .
Philippe Verdy
2018-12-06 05:50:12 UTC
Shouldn't that be simply Foobar.add(value) if we assume they're no member
named "add" but it is defined via the metatable __index method? And
shouldn't there exist a way to cleanly refer to a member via its __index
metamethod rather than its defined index, using a simpler form such as:
Foobar->add(value) which would ignore any value assigned to Foobar['add']?
We could then have a distinction between actual members and metamembers
coming from a prototype. This would mean adding support for __proto in the
metatable, allowing us to support not just classes but interfaces.
One place where I think that “++” or equivalent might be as syntactic
sugar for adding something to the end of a list
As shorthand for
But it’s not that big a deal
Post by David Favro
I have been an advocate for the += operator, which I think is sorely
lacking in Lua, for many years [1]. But in my opinion ++ and -- are much
less useful, and when used give fewer advantages [2], and pose more issues,
such as already being used for comments. Yet for some reason people can't
help lumping them all together and then using the issues with the unary
operators as a purported complication of the binary operator, as well as
increasing the overall size of the addition to the language, leading to
objections of 'bloat'.
Post by David Favro
-- David
[1]: I mean in core Lua. I consider patches and forks to be vastly less
Post by David Favro
[2]: ++ and -- are very frequently used in languages such as C for loop
iteration. In Lua, iteration takes place much more often via ipairs(), and
even the numeric for loop does not require explicit increment. Furthermore,
the ++ operator in C often compiles to a distinct hardware instruction;
while in the Lua VM, it would presumably generate code no different than
"x+=1" .
Domingo Alvarez Duarte
2018-12-06 10:43:51 UTC
Hello David !

I would appreciate if you could give a look at
https://github.com/mingodad/ljs and give your point of view, knowing
that you have been advocating for such features so long.

I understand you didn't like patches and or forks but anyway I'll
appreciate if you could find some spare time and give it a try.

Thanks again for your time and attention !
Post by David Favro
Post by Domingo Alvarez Duarte
I've updated the repositories with fixes for compound operators on
upvalues and also added pre/pos increment operators "++/--".
How do you differentiate "--" as an operator from a comment-start?
I have been an advocate for the += operator, which I think is sorely lacking in Lua, for many years [1]. But in my opinion ++ and -- are much less useful, and when used give fewer advantages [2], and pose more issues, such as already being used for comments. Yet for some reason people can't help lumping them all together and then using the issues with the unary operators as a purported complication of the binary operator, as well as increasing the overall size of the addition to the language, leading to objections of 'bloat'.
-- David
[1]: I mean in core Lua. I consider patches and forks to be vastly less useful.
[2]: ++ and -- are very frequently used in languages such as C for loop iteration. In Lua, iteration takes place much more often via ipairs(), and even the numeric for loop does not require explicit increment. Furthermore, the ++ operator in C often compiles to a distinct hardware instruction; while in the Lua VM, it would presumably generate code no different than "x+=1" .
David Favro
2018-12-06 16:22:59 UTC
Post by Domingo Alvarez Duarte
Hello David !
I would appreciate if you could give a look at
and give your point of view, knowing that you have been advocating for
features so long.
It looks interesting although I don't have time for a detailed look until later... but from a quick look it seems that you are using curly-bracket syntax, so I guess Lua-style comments do not even apply. I didn't realize it was a completely different syntax, I should have read your original message a little more carefully before I even mentioned it.
Post by Domingo Alvarez Duarte
Post by David Favro
How do you differentiate "--" as an operator from a comment-start?